About Brest

Brest is a hero city that keeps attracting visitors and tourists from all round the world because of its rich cultural heritage, heroic history and beauty. To reach Brest, you can take a bus, train or a car, which is easily rented using a link on our website. Brest is a border city and located close to the Polish border just a few kilometers far from the Polish city Terespol. You can choose to stay in the hotel or an apartment according to your preferences and wealth.

Please be sure to check whether you are required to apply for an entry Belarussian visa. If you are required to apply for a visa, you should also register in the nearest police department in terms of three business days after you arrival day. Your hotel/hostel is responsible for the required papers execution. When you rent an apartment, you will need to complete the formalities for registration together with the apartment owner in the local police department.

Which area could you choose. Lenina Street is the main street in Brest city. There are attractions, restaurants and shops along the street. Pedestrian street Sovietskaya is also a wonderful place filled of shops, cafes, clubs and sights for tourists. To stroll through the street is always a pleasure. Noticed that a real night lamplighter lights the kerosene lamps in some parts of the street and put them out in the morning.

Within public transportation routes you can visit the main city attractions. Another opportunity is to stroll through the city. There are several interesting places for visiting in proximity to Brest: White Tower in Kamenets, famous Bialovezhskaya Puscha Biosphere Reserve that inhabited many types of animals, including bison, which are listed in the Red Book.

Have a nice holidays in Brest!

Hermitage Hotel

Hermitage Hotel

Energia Hotel

Energia Hotel

Rinkovka Hotel

Rynkauka Complex

Click Apartments

Click Apartment

Welcome to beautiful Brest! We are happy to offer you the best hotels in our city. Have a pleasant stay!

